The word “productivity” has its roots in a capitalist system that segregates the people who make the stuff from the people who own the stuff.

The myriad books, courses, and, yes, podcasts, all seek to squeeze as much out of us as possible… or at least, that’s how it seems.

Undo is an exploration of the stuff that works in productivity, as well as the hype and nonsense – the “work smarter, not harder” rhetoric that makes sure we allot enough time for our busywork, and no time for the more enriching, creative work we’re here for.

Hiya 👋 I’m Mark

Mark Steadman, in his "best suit"

My career so far has taken me from desktop software and web developer, to voice actor, to startup founder, to podcast producer and advisor.

I’ve done it all – and much more besides – with a brain that refuses to sit still; a brain that’s constantly hungry for more (more input, more activity, more questions), and is never satisfied.

For over a decade I’ve had a passing interest in ways we can work efficiently, eliminate duplication or unnecessary to-ing and fro-ing. With Undo, I’m exploring not just the methods people use and create, but the people behind them, to find out what works and what’s a waste.

There is no “one system”

Rather than trying to find the uber system that’ll solve all productivity ills, I’m interested in helping us all design our own systems. By piecing together, synthesising, and adapting what’s gone before, my hope is that each of us can design our own ways of working that make best use of the time we have, so that when we look back, we can say we used it well.

For me, time well-used is time spent making and connecting. For you it might be exploring the great outdoors or the inner workings of cats. Hopefully Undo will keep you company as you figure it out.