Inspiring and so helpful

Your enthusiasm and humour really help. I’m in the last stretch of my PhD, great advice and ideas for one who is easily distracted. Thank you

By Captincaution, 2 days ago

via Apple Podcasts

Not Annoying

Great content and a voice that’s not annoying… That’s a difficult combination to find, but this podcast checks both boxes. I’m a fast fan.

By robonoggin, 2 weeks, 2 days ago

via Apple Podcasts

Productivity processes packaged perfectly polished! ™ ™ ™ thought-leader ™

I’m surprised and how much I learn from this as someone who has looked into and tried so many productivity “hacks”, AND how much fun I have along the way. Mark presents each episode with incredible listenable quality that taking the wheatgrass shot of learning feels more like downing the carrot orange chaser twice. Love it. 6/5.

By, 2 weeks, 2 days ago

via Apple Podcasts

The Plus

Beautifully done. With sufficient wit and snark to keep the attention. A pleasant little mix of science and art.

You have heard of some of these before. Depending on your investment on “self improvement”, maybe a lot of these.

But the reminders with the extra tidbits of context and history are quite useful.

Oh, and the relentless reminder to find Balance!!! (Another reminder here: Don’t use these tools to feed your inner workaholic!!!)

Oh, and for any political tendencies, I apologize for my fellow Citizens of the United States. We are working through some things.

(Oh! Bang on thirty seconds!)

By gsmitman, 3 weeks, 1 day ago

via Apple Podcasts

Pep Talk at the Pub

I appreciate the garage talks at the end. Not only is it a great summary of the content in the main section of the episode, but it feels like (as alluded to in the title) sitting at a pub with a mate thinking about how to make each other better. A good weekly listen.

By Not-so-harsh, 3 weeks, 2 days ago

via Apple Podcasts

There’s a lot packed into each episode!

I can’t wait for Monday & the bedtime advice🥱. Thank you for an entertaining AND helpful podcast. And the show notes are ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! I’m so glad I found this gem.

By Thankful Sadie, 3 weeks, 4 days ago

via Apple Podcasts

Ear Worthy

This inventive and kooky independent podcast launches an investigation into how history’s oddballs, outliers, and overachievers built systems to help them do their best work.

Hosted by Mark Steadman, each episode unearths a so-called productivity hack from history to help you separate the brilliant from the bullshit, so you can build a methodology that works for you.

Productivity isn’t about getting more done to feed a money-seeking monster with an ever-growing appetite. It’s about clearing the clutter so you can focus on what you do best.

Steadman has barbed wire for wit. He's hilarious in that understated English way, and he's a wildly effective host.

Because if Edison can invent the lightbulb without Inbox Zero, you can probably survive without 10x-ing your toothbrush routine.

"If you want realistic productivity with a side dose of historical context, this podcast is amazing!" notes Ayesha Khan, creator/host of the Every Single Sci-Fi Film Ever* podcast. 

I especially enjoyed the episode about The Checklist Manifesto, which is a process and a book by Atul Gawande.

One of my favorite episodes was about Parkinson’s Law, which postulates that work expands to fill the time given. Studies show if you give people 60 minutes to complete a task that only takes 30, they’ll work the full hour instead of taking the rest off.

Steadman opines: "By recognizing it, we can buy back some time to ourselves. Just don’t tell the boss, or they’ll give you more busy work."

Undo separates the brilliant from the bullshit, so you can build a method of working that suits you.

Mark Steadman is an astute business person as an independent podcaster. That's a recipe for successful monetization. With the podcast just beginning, he's already offering an Undo Plus subscription service and is advertising it with a clever host-read ad on the show. 

Check out Undo. It's another example of a superb independent podcast with a unique take on our world and how it works. In addition, it could make you more productive. Goodbye, couch potato. Hello, "I just checked off another task as done!"

By Frank Racioppi, 3 weeks, 5 days ago

via Ear Worthy

Insulting to the audience

The content can be interesting but his political comments are distracting and insulting. I am sure he thinks he is witty but we would all be better off without snide comments on unrelated topics. I am not listening for political hot takes.

By MomFromOhio, 3 weeks, 5 days ago

via Apple Podcasts


Found this podcast purely out of a random search. Mark is wonderful and offers unique insights on a variety of topics. Worth a listen…personally I believe it’s only going to get better!

By Lunaandhope56, 1 month ago

via Apple Podcasts

Functional productivity not the crazy kind!

If you want realistic productivity with a side dose of historical context this podcast is amazing!

Host Mark is engaging, insightful and funny and will give you the tips you need without aggressively telling you that you just have to be more disciplined.

Strategies and hacks with of empathy and some great storytelling along the way.

By Ayesha 77, 1 month, 1 week ago

via Apple Podcasts

Easy to listen, motivational

I find this very easy to listen to, and also thought-provoking. The antithesis of Mel Robbins, in a good way. Takes a more interesting and intellectual approach.

By GPiscute, 1 month, 1 week ago

via Apple Podcasts

Where’s the 10 star button?

Love the latest episode on Lincoln and Churchill.

Great writing, storytelling and production. Will stay tuned in!

By Augi-T, 1 month, 1 week ago

via Apple Podcasts

Love it

I find this podcast to be really helpful, interesting, and informative. It is very digestible and really has made me think about doing things differently for work. I am actually someone who really dislikes self-help books, podcast, etc and find this to be so useful. Thank you for providing this information and in a format that is easy to listen to!

By jlt005, 1 month, 1 week ago

via Apple Podcasts

Podcast the Newsletter

Mark Steadman just started his 30th podcast since 2008 (I’m going to be interviewing him about all of them next week) and this one’s the best. For Undo, How history's outliers got stuff done, Mark is presenting productivity systems like bullet journals and the Pomodoro Technique, which is the one I started with.

I had a boss I hated who loved it and I was excited to hear supporting evidence that he’s a dummy idiot. I assumed Mark would just be making fun of this shit. But he’s both poking holes in them and singing their praises. Most of these systems are not completely practical but do offer pearls of wisdom. And it turns out I should…maybe adapt some of the principles of the Pomodoro Technique???

Mark is funny and the tiny episodes are packed with personality. And yes, they’re tiny! Which is good because I’m Pomodoring these days and only have 5 minute increments of free time available every 30 minutes. (I’m kidding, Mark really does explain how to make the Pomodoro Technique work for you.) I binged these in no time.

By Lauren Passell, 1 month, 1 week ago

via Podcast the Newsletter

Just In Time

I just leveled up in my career and am doing my dream job. But it’s the hardest job I’ve ever had and my previous project management system was not cutting it. The last couple of weeks I’ve burnt myself out just trying to sift through all the advice and tips for building a new system. This podcast appeared out of no where in my feed and I was drawn in by the short episodes and focus on one project management system per episode. It’s a really fun listen and very informative and helps cut through the noise, just what I needed, just in time!

By Rahrahrobo, 1 month, 1 week ago

via Apple Podcasts

Grateful for this podcast

I’ve been listening to this podcast with my 11 year old, trying the different tips and ideas and applying them to homework time. It’s been so helpful! So far my kid loves the “eat the frog” tip! No surprises there I guess…

By Captain Apiejapie, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

via Apple Podcasts


Such a fun and enlightening show!

By Agatemoon, 2 months ago

via Apple Podcasts

This is the best little gem of a podcast!

The combination of Mark's kind humor and wisdom make this a much needed addition to my weekly listening....and learning!

By Suganagirl, 2 months, 1 week ago

via Apple Podcasts